
Here is where you can find the path the Clans have carved for many seasons. Any significant moments that have affected the Clans can be found here. Not only that but a little update on what has happened with plots and such.
Follow the pawsteps ahead of you with diligence and patience young one. There is a lot to learn here but it is not impossible. If you ever get lost come on by and freshen up your memory! Both the Warrior Code and the Medicine Cat code reside here.
This is a must know for the warriors dwelling within the forest! One must defend their home after all. Even medicine cats learn a little of this so they aren't left completely defenseless.
Most regular cats don't understand the vast knowledge of medicinal properties that the land holds. However, those chosen by StarClan chose to dabble in the arts and heal those around them. Here you can find how exactly they manage this feat!


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Jul 18, 2016 9:48:59 GMT -7


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If you are feeling a little overwhelmed fear not for here is where you can freshen up on your knowledge. Here we have the Warrior Code, Medicine Cat code, fighting moves/healing list and even a guide on how to name your cat!
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