
A wonderful place where each of our staff members have taken a moment out of their hectic days, except for lazy me, too introduce themselves to you lovely people. Remember we are all super friendly so don't be afraid to ask us questions or pester us in general if need be.
The title suggests it all. Why not take a minute to introduce yourself. We are an incredible friendly community here and we love getting to know everyone. Who knows maybe you'll make some new friends.
Saying goodbye can be hard sometimes but we all know that life just tends to get in the way. If you can't stay any longer or you need a little break just let us know. This is especially important if you plan on coming back!

Sharing Tongues

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Feline Genetics
0 572
Jun 23, 2016 9:16:54 GMT -7


Thread Announcement Sticky Locked new New Poll Bookmark

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Sharing Tongues
Don't be afraid to mingle young one for how else will you make new friends. Sometimes the best thing you can do is come forward and say hello. Don't forget to mew your goodbyes as well!
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